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戰國 璃紋鏡 The archaic bronze mirror is of flattened round form with raised center knob, the edges in floriform, depicts flying birds around flowers and vines, reverse with flat mirror surface. Warring States period. Diameter: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) 此拍品圓形,三玄鈕,圓形鈕座,鈕座週邊凹面形帶一周。主紋飾為蟠螭紋及折疊菱形紋和圓渦地紋構成,蟠螭兩肢爪向左右伸張,身軀盤旋糾結,線條細膩。此鏡構圖縝密,為不可多得的佳品。