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銀色龍虎鏡 The archaic bronze mirror is of flattened round form with raised center knob, depicts scrolling dragons and tigers surrounding the knob, with additional scrolling patterns, reverse with flat mirror surface. Diameter: 3 5/8 in (9.2 cm) 圓形,圓鈕,圓鈕座,龍虎環繞鏡鈕對峙,身軀壓于鏡鈕之下,躬軀呼嘯甚是威嚴。紋飾浮雕而成,構圖飽滿,寓意吉祥。龍虎之間有葉形紋飾點綴,鏡緣上飾櫛齒紋、弦紋、鋸齒紋,版模佳,白光難得。