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刺繡鏡框畫 The framed silk embroidery depicts two phoenix standing amidst flower blossom, heads looking towards the sky, surrounded by Eight Treasures band, artist signature Tao Wenmei on top left. Height: 63 1/2 in (161.3 cm) Width: 30 in (76.2 cm) 刺繡是針線在織物上繡製的各種裝飾圖案的總稱。刺繡分絲線刺繡和羽毛[1] 刺繡兩種。就是用針將絲線或其他纖維、紗線以一定圖案和色彩在繡料上穿刺,以繡跡構成花紋的裝飾織物。它是用針和線把人的設計和製作添加在任何存在的織物上的一種藝術。