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漢 辟邪獸 The archaic jade carved figure depicts a mythical beast prowling on the ground with head raised, body intricately carved with wings, patterns, and details, the jade is of celadon-brown color tone with russet and slight translucency. Han Dynasty period. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Length: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 此件玉辟邪已整體白化。整體作圓雕匍匐前行狀,面部猙獰,張口露齒,雙目圓睜。身體如獸,四足前後交置,兩側帶翼,一貼附在前肢上側,一歧出於背脊上端。鬣鬃、羽翎等細節特徵皆以漢代流行的陰刻平行線紋勾勒。造型立體生動,氣韻非凡,十分難得,具有當時極高的藝術水準。