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元 龍泉刻花金錢紋盤 The Longquan ware basin depicts continuous coin patterns in the center roundel, surrounded by flowers and vines, all against celadon-yellow glaze, bottom partially glazed. Yuan Dynasty period. Height: 2 3/4 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 14 3/4 in (37.5 cm) 唇口盤壁微弧,盤壁內外均刻有纏枝花卉,線條舒張奔放,盤心以圓形方孔金錢為主題紋飾堆滿盤心,取財源滾滾,金玉滿堂之寓意,底部墊燒,圈足施以滿釉,此盤保存完整,釉水瑩活,紋飾題材美好,市場上並不多見。