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龍泉窯 熏香爐 The Longquan ware ewer is of lotus flower shape with tall stem supporting bulbous bowl-shaped body, the domed lid depicts layered flower petals similar to ruyi shape, the censer glazed in celadon and covered with crackle patterns. Height: 8 1/8 in (20.6 cm) Diameter: 5 in (12.7 cm) 香爐整體呈圓形尖頂形製,上下兩部份,上部蓋壁有四處鏤空開光,開光處形製取自伊斯蘭建築尖頂風格,極具民族風格;其形製取自元代蒙古族文化影響,下部底座刻蓮瓣紋飾,造型敦實樸直;但製作、釉色極其施釉工藝亦又靠近明初之風格,故此件應為元末明初的龍泉窯高級別作品。通體施青釉,釉色青綠色,清澈而透亮,有細小的開片。