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明 烏金釉梅瓶 The bottle vase is of tall and tapering cylindrical form, body glazed in copper red and brown infused color tone, bottom partially glazed. Ming Dynasty period. Height: 14 3/4 in (37.5 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 瓷質,胎體堅硬緻密。圓形梅瓶,小口,圓唇微凸,矮細頸,廣圓肩,深腹,上腹部圓鼓,下腹壁斜收,平底。遍施烏金釉,釉色黃褐有古銅色澤,釉面淨亮如鏡,釉質細膩純淨。近底部無釉,露出乳黃色胎體。此梅瓶器形規整,胎體較為厚重,通體無紋。烏金釉創燒于明代成化年間,尤以清代康熙朝作品最為典型。