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宋 吉州窯黑釉兔毫盞 The Jizhou ware bowl deeply potted and glazed on the exterior in deep black, interior glazed in infused black and cream color tone, bottom unglazed. Song Dynasty period. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Diameter: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm) 此盞造型古樸,底足無釉,為典型的兔毫茶盞,為吉州窯流行的品種;宋代觀茶色、鬥茶風盛行,黑釉盞倍受青睞。因此,吉州窯大量燒造黑釉“天目”瓷器且裝飾手法多樣,見此盞內在黃色釉層中排列出均勻細密的脛脈 ,形狀像兔毫,細長擁擠,釉面流動成條條針狀,紋理流暢均勻,十分難得。