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張大千 雙青圖 謝稚柳題 Ink and color on paper, vertical scroll. The painting depicts flower blossom on tree branches near bamboo leaves, artist colophon, signature and mark Zhang Daqian on the top left, calligraphy by Xie Zhiliu on the bottom. Height: 33 in (83.8 cm) Width: 11 in (27.9 cm) 謝稚柳(1910-1997),原名稚,字稚柳,後以字行,晚號壯暮翁,齋名魚飲溪堂、杜齋、煙江樓、苦篁齋。江蘇常州人。擅長書法及古書畫的鑒定。初與張珩(張蔥玉)齊名,世有“北張南謝”之說。|張大千(Chang Dai-Chien),男,四川內江人,祖籍廣東省番禺,1899年5月10日出生於四川省內江市中區城郊安良裡的一個書香門第的家庭,中國潑墨畫家,書法家。|款識:江南翠竹動成林,誰折寒枝寄賞音?說與雙清堂上客,蕭然應見此君心. 丙戌初夏大千張爰 |題跋:張大千梅竹雙清圖。為四十許時筆。竹枝作雙勾尤為清動絕俗。辛酉春日過香江見此圖因題,稚柳。|鈐印:謝稚之印、稚柳、張爰之印、三千大千