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紫砂瓜果盤八件 The set includes eight Yixing Zisha stem dishes, each in irregular shape but forms to a large octagon dish, glazed on the interior in white and crackle patterns, the clay is of dark brown color tone. Each Width:8 1/2 in(21.5cm) Height:2 1/2 in(6.4cm) 果盤一套,紫砂材質,高腳,造型奇特,八個一套圍起來正好是一方形,盤內施釉,仿哥窯開片,金絲鐵線的紋理。底足似臺階,接觸面積增大,穩定性較好,整體製作亭亭玉立,器壁厚薄統一,線條流暢製作精細,較為難得。