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紫砂罐 The Yixing Zisha jar is of globular form with hexagonal lobed opening, body incised with poetry calligraphy, the clay is of brown color, bottom bears dragon mark, set on wooden stand. Height: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 此罐以紫泥製成,色澤沉鬱,整體顯古樸大氣,盡顯因年代久遠而歷練出的滄桑之美,罐口呈六方形,圓鼓腹,周身刻款。製作精良,外表輪廓之線條,極具視覺審美效果,底部蓋一鳳鳥紋章大方典雅。