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清德堂 紫砂茶壺 The Yixing Zisha teapot is of globular form, the short straight neck carved with scrolling stylized ruyi cloud pattern, the clay is of yellowish-brown color tone, bottom bears three character mark. Height: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) Width: 7 in (17.8 cm) 壺用泥考究,製作精美,壺身線條娟秀,身資曼妙,一氣呵成,底款“清德堂”清代有名的齋號直至民國晚期,各種紫砂器件中常有此印記。此壺除了壺底“清德堂”陽文篆體印章以外,並無留下任何印記或落款,這顯然是“清德堂”在定製時的要求。