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清或更早 紫砂觀音坐像 The Guanyin seated with two hands holding a scroll on one knee, crafted with detail such as flowing robes, exquisite headdress, and glazed overall in brown and gold. Condition: Good. Qing Dynasty or earlier period. Height: 14 in (35.6 cm) Width: 7 1/4 in (18.4 cm) 此尊觀音以紫砂為原料捏塑燒製而成。觀音面如滿月,髮髻高挽,頭飾包巾,目光微垂,胸結瓔珞。衣褶貼體,衣紋自兩肩向胸前下垂,雙手相和藏於衣袖之內,觀音造型優美,形象端莊,文靜慈祥,令人歎為觀止。