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宋代 影青龍泉大象蓋盒 The Longquan ware jar is of cylindrical form with tapering body, glazed overall in celadon, the flat lid mounted with an elephant finial, bottom foot ring partially glazed. Song Dynasty period. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Width: 4 in (10.2 cm) 侈口,圓唇,短頸,圓肩寬斜,深腹下斂,矮圈足。罐帶一平頂圓蓋,鈕作象狀,造型豐潤可愛,扇耳成雙,曲齒成對,長鼻內卷,皆清晰可辨。全器光素無紋,胎體厚重,除蓋底子口沿外區域,以及罐身口沿與圈足均餘皆滿青釉,色呈青綠,表面密佈冰裂細開片,足沿多沾窯渣。