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和田玉硯臺 The Hetian jade carved inkstone is of irregular flattened form, surface carved in the center with slightly hollow inkwell, incised with trees and lingzhi fungus, the jade is of smooth white color tone with slight russet and translucency. Height: 1 in (2.5 cm) Length: 6 in (15.2 cm) Width: 4 in (10.2 cm) 用一整塊和田白玉雕琢而成,玉質溫潤細膩。雕一瓜果,造型洗練,形象極為生動,其雕工之精,栩栩如生。名硯大多為石製,而作為石之美者的玉,製成的玉硯具有著石硯的全部優點:不吸墨,墨在硯上不易變幹變稠,發墨快,出墨細,書寫容易出現墨的光澤,不損筆毫。