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日本獸首刻花銀壺 The Japanese silver teapot is of globular form, the exterior carved with flowers and vines, the spout shaped in the form of a beast mask, the floriform finial mounted on flat lid, bottom incised with two marks. Height: 8 in (20.3 cm) Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) Weight: 634.0g 刻款:“純銀閑耕”此件銀壺造型簡約古樸,富有張力的曲線飽滿圓潤,與壺嘴挺直精幹的設計形成鮮明的對比,壺身槌打的肌理如波光粼粼的湖水蕩漾開來,層層疊疊,直到如寶塔一般佇立的摘鈕,都好像在霞光掩映之下。