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日本刻花紋銀壺 The Japanese silver teapot is of globular form, the exterior carved with flower blossom and vines pattern, the green glass bead finial mounted on flat lid, bottom incised with two marks. Height: 6 1/4 in (15.9 cm) Length: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Weight: 357.0g “松榮堂”、“純銀”款 茶壺通體為銀質,壺身外表瑩潤光亮,壺身刻畫花卉,松榮堂自明治時期伊始便為金壽堂系統重要堂口,以製器高潔素雅著稱,此件銀壺形製大氣美觀,紋飾簡潔雅正,當為松榮堂製佳器。