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清雍正 青花纏枝花卉盤? The large blue and white charger depicts flowers and vines in the interior, flower petal patterns on the rim, similar motif on the exterior, bottom bears six character YONGZHENG reign mark and additional inscription. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) Diameter: 17 1/2 in (44.5 cm) 此件青花纏枝花卉紋盤,敞口弧壁,通體青花花卉為飾,外沿一周點綴回紋,內沿一周卷草紋,內外壁滿繪各種纏枝花卉,盤心彩繪青花纏枝花卉紋為主體紋飾,分繪荷花,牡丹,山茶,雛菊等各色花卉,紋飾之間間以花葉,色澤鮮豔明亮,花葉變化豐富,層次分明,有永宣遺風,底青花雙圈內書“大清雍正年製”篆書款。雍正甲寅五月五日唐英敬獻。唐英 (1682-1756) ,字俊公, 自號堝寄老人 , 瀋陽人, 隸漢軍正白旗, 曾侍養心殿,並先後于雍正晚期至乾隆初於江西景德鎮督陶二十餘年,對製瓷工藝的貢獻卓越。 唐英在任時期的景德鎮禦瓷製品, 世稱「唐窯」, 是中國歷代瓷器中之珍品。