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清乾隆 青花雙龍捧壽紋綬帶葫蘆扁瓶 The blue and white vase is of flattened double gourd form, body depicts flying dragons surrounding Shou character amidst vines, two ear shaped handles on the sides, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Width: 5 in (12.7 cm) 綬帶葫蘆瓶,又稱“福壽瓶”,乾隆時期首創。器形秀美,規整雅麗,兩側飾綬帶耳,線條優美。下腹部繪雙龍捧壽紋,香草狀龍尾纏繞騰起,上腹部繪團狀蝙蝠紋,腹兩側及耳上飾花草紋。紋飾吉祥,寓意福壽萬年、福祿萬代。青花底書;大清乾隆年製,六字三行篆書款。