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白玉雙耳鼻煙壺 The white jade snuff bottle is of flattened ovoid form, body elegantly shaped similar to a vase, two pierce carved handles attached to the side, complete with red coral stopper, the jade is of greyish-white color tone with slight translucency. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Length: 1 1/2 in (3.8 cm) Width: 1/2 in (1.3 cm) 和田白玉雕琢,溫潤細膩,白玉油潤光澤,,此壺呈瓶形,雙耳造型別致。掏膛規整,造型簡樸,琢工精細。全器線條優美,琢磨精密嫺熟,簡潔中可見精細的雕工。