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清 銅胎掐絲琺瑯“大吉”葫蘆瓶? The pair of cloisonne enameled hanging vases each in double gourd form, body depicts poetry calligraphy within medallion, against teal ground covered with auspicious items such as bats, carp, flowers, and more, the rim bears taotie mask, bottom incised with four character QIANLONG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) Width: 11 in (27.9 cm) 整器葫蘆形,銅胎,整器掐絲工藝,壺身雕“大吉”二字。“葫蘆”名與“福祿”諧音,且器形像“吉”字,故又名“大吉瓶”,寓意大吉大利。整器造型美雅之中顯出高貴,口沿及底足鎏金,器身表面施青綠色釉,其上以嬌黃、胭紅、靛藍、翠綠等琺瑯彩料繪製葫蘆紋樣,活潑生動,甚是巧妙。