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壽山羅漢擺件 盒子底座 The Shoushan soapstone carving depicts an Arhat Luohan lying on the cloud sideways, sleeping with happy expression, while wearing long robe and holding prayer beads, the stone is of orange-yellowish color tone with stone veins, set on wooden stand. Height: 1 3/4 in (4.4 cm) Length: 3 in (7.6 cm) Width: 2 in (5.1 cm) 以壽山石雕刻而成,溫潤細膩,寶光深厚亮麗,包漿熟透。圓雕形式表現,呈臥姿,身著錦繡法衣,寬額瞠目,面容飽滿,似有所思而神態安寧祥和,原配底座,具有很濃厚的時代氣息、刀法線條流暢,體現了作者高超的藝術造型能力、雕刻功底和精湛的表現技藝。