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壽山石隨形章 The Shoushan soapstone carved stamp seal is of rounded and slightly flattened rectangular form, body carved with mountain side scenery with hidden houses and trees, bottom bears four character mark, the Shoushan stone is of yellow and brown color tone. Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) Length: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm) Width: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) 色澤瑩潤,料子極為溫潤、綿密細膩。寶光深厚亮麗,包漿熟透。圓雕形式表現,一面雕淡雅寧靜的山石、樹木、人物,另一面雕芭蕉,山石表面以長條棱邊,似披麻皴,山石邊沿、人物衣褶以及樹木輪廓都雕琢得棱角鋒銳,印文蒼勁,金石味道十足。