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蘭亭序澄泥硯 The large ink stone is of rectangular form, the top carved with landscape scenery consists of house, river, trees, and ground, the inkwell flattened and below the house, the reverse incised with poetry calligraphy and mark, the stone is of dark brown color tone. Height: 10 1/4 in (26.0 cm) Length: 2 in (5.1 cm) Width: 6 1/4 in (15.9 cm) 硯臺長方形,澄泥硯,長方形,硯面雕亭臺樓閣,花草樹木,亭子裡面雕一老者和一書童,此硯質地細膩潤滑,雕工精湛。背面陰刻王羲之《蘭亭序》全文。此硯用料上乘,設計精巧,文人氣息濃厚。甚是精美。