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白玉彌勒佛立像 The Maitreya Buddha stands on top of a wooden stand, one hand holding a ruyi scepter, the other hand holding an auspicious vessel with bat and gold coins on top, a mandorla set behind him. The jade stone is of slight brownish white. Height: 7 5/8 in (19.3 cm) Width: 4 in (10.2 cm) 玉質採用一整塊上等和田白玉雕刻而成,玉質溫潤細膩,潔白凝脂,彌勒圓雕,身穿單褂,敞胸露懷,面帶笑容。彌勒佛為佛教裡的諸佛之一,大肚能容容天下難容之事。