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清雍正 琺瑯彩珊瑚紅牡丹紋碗 The famille rose bowl decorated with peony flower blossom within roundel, against red ground covered with lotus flower blossom, bottom bears six character YONGZHENG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 2 1/2 in (6.3 cm) Diameter: 5 3/4 in (14.6 cm) 禦製珊瑚紅地琺瑯彩牡丹紋碗即為當中傑出的一例,為雍乾嘉三朝所沿襲燒造,是清宮禦瓷之經典名品。其雋秀而嬌巧,優雅而尊貴,胎體細薄堅致,內壁施白釉,溫潤瑩美,外壁敷設珊瑚紅彩為地,色澤勻淨濃妍,以諸色琺瑯彩料繪就盛開的牡丹,圖中花枝招展,風姿綽約,妍美嫵媚之態一展無遺。底書“大清雍正年製”六字款,為內府標準的宋槧體,筆道硬朗,端莊周正,為不可多得之禦製佳器。