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清乾隆 珊瑚紅釉開光人物獸耳扁壺 The famille rose moon flask is of flattened ovoid form, body depicts Immortals in nature setting engaged in conversations, all within medallion, against red ground covered with flying cranes and clouds, two beast mask handles on the shoulder, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 12 in (30.5 cm) Length: 11 in (27.9 cm) 此扁壺飾雙耳,外表施珊瑚紅釉為地,上繪雲鶴紋飾,底書“大清乾隆年製”六字單行紅彩篆書款。全器珊瑚紅釉色澤鮮豔奪目,紋飾舒展優美,造型挺拔俊秀。充分展現了佛教的莊嚴與宮廷的貴氣。本品繪製精湛,釉彩濃淡相宜,紋飾寓意吉祥,構圖疏密有致,圖案化的裝飾,正是乾隆時期瓷器繁縟奢華的藝術風格特徵。以粉彩兩側開光繪有八仙人物紋,畫面精美細緻,彩色豔麗,釉水自然,保存完好,珍貴難得。