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清道光 鬥彩荷塘鴛鴦紋敦式碗? The bowl depicts birds flying and walking amidst lotus flower blossoms on the body, below blue and white scrolling dragon patterns at the rim, interior center with similar motif, bottom bears six character DAOGUANG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) 荷塘鴛鴦紋飾源自宋元時期陶瓷、織錦紋樣,亦稱「鴛鴦臥蓮」、「滿池嬌」,因寓意吉祥和諧而受歷朝宮廷喜愛。此件碗敞口,深腹,腹下微內斂,臥足,造型敦厚。碗內口沿書青花梵文一周,外口沿青花繪趕珠龍一周。碗外壁及內底心均以鬥彩繪荷塘鴛鴦紋:池塘荷花盛開,水草豐茂,雌、雄鴛鴦或遊弋或追逐,嬉戲其間,一派生機盎然的景色。整器形製秀美,所繪紋飾色彩鮮豔,筆觸細膩,畫面生動,為道光一朝官窯精品。