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清乾隆 粉彩開光禦題詩文瓶? The famille rose vase is of baluster form with cylindrical body, painted with flower blossom and poetry in interspersed medallions, against yellow ground covered with fruits, flowers, vines, and leaves, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Qing Dynasty period. Height: 13 1/2 in (34.3 cm) Width: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm) 此瓶圓形撇口,口底相若,束長頸,頸部粉彩纏枝蓮紋,折肩,腹部向下逐漸收斂,圈足。通體以嫩黃色粉彩為地,施各色粉彩料繪製纏枝西番蓮紋。頸部中央開光內黑彩書“乾隆禦題”四個篆書大字,腹部中央在螭龍紋環繞的開光內書禦題詩文。局部描金勾勒輪廓線條,錦上添花。圖案清新活潑,色彩燦爛,富麗繁密,細緻精巧,與乾隆期的太平盛世氣象相應,紋飾圖案,寓意吉祥。青花底書“大清乾隆年製”篆書款識。