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摩羯紋蕾鈕三足架銀鹽台 The gold and silver gilt container stands on three pointed and splayed feet, supporting a lotus leaf dish surrounded by flying fishes, with a domed lotus flower shaped lid decorated with gilt mythical beasts on the body, all below a small lotus bud round container on top. Height: 12 in (30.5 cm) Diameter: 7 in (17.8 cm) Weight: 586g 摩羯紋蕾鈕三足架銀鹽台,鈑金澆鑄焊接成型,紋飾平鏨,模沖鎏金。銀鹽台造型頗富想像力,極為生動美觀。近視一簇荷葉、蓮花、蓮蕊、荷葉幹的立體造型,並有小魚、花草等附件裝飾,新穎別致。