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銀罎子 The cup is of cylindrical form and stands on a splayed stem foot, body gilt in silver with vines and flowers background, four medallions filled with gilt people in nature setting on the sides, above lotus flowers and duck patterns, the lid with lobed shape and depicts mythical beasts flying above vines. Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) Diameter: 5 1/2 in (14.0 cm) Weight: 926g 鈑金成型,紋飾鎏金。帶蓋,直口微斂,深腹,圈足。蓋紐為寶珠形。蓋面隆起,以豎向的凹棱將蓋分為四瓣,每瓣內模沖出一隻飛鹿,底部襯以纏枝蔓草,魚子紋地,每瓣凹棱側飾“s”狀二方連續紋樣。壇蓋與身以子母口扣合。壺門鏨刻兩人對弈圖。喇叭形圈足,圈足與杯底焊接。