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黃君壁樹木寫真小品 Ink on paper, mounted. The small painting depicts two trees in outdoor setting, artist colophon, signature and mark Huang Junbi on the top right. Length: 11 3/4 in (29.8 cm) Width: 11 3/4 in (29.8 cm) 黃君壁(1898年—1991年),本名韞之,別名允瑄,號君翁、君璧。中國畫家。。他擅山水,師承漸江、夏圭,有極深的傳統功底。曾設白雲堂授徒,被尊為“多士師表”。作品長於飛瀑、流泉、風帆、霜林。筆墨氤氳,蒼勁有力,氣勢雄壯。亦能作工筆仕女和花鳥。|款識:辛醜冬日畫于白雲堂黃君璧。|鈐印:黃君璧印、君翁。