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宣德 雙沖耳三足小爐 The bronze cast censer is of compressed bulbous form, stands on three pointed feet, two slanted and arched handles on the rim, bottom bears two character XUANDE reign mark. Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Diameter: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) 拍品雙耳高昂,肥潤和諧,爐身寬闊厚重,豐而不腴,乳足沉穩。銅質堅實緊密,線形優雅,張弛有度。皮色為藏經紙色,沖天耳,亦名“朝天耳”,莊重素雅,意蘊“敬天法祖”,廣為使用。底部 “宣德”二字篆書款。