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米芾 (1051-1107)山水 Ink on silk, vertical scroll. The painting depicts landscape scenery consists of mountains, trees, pagoda, houses, boats, rand river, artist colophon, signature and mark Mi Fu on top right, additional seal marks on each corner of painting. Length: 28 in (71.1 cm) Width: 13 1/2 in (34.3 cm) 款識:絕境顛無路,平川不起濤。天光兼水闊,山勢敵秋高。葛生曾求藥,秦人自種桃。雲霞如有意,他日待吾曹,結宇臨回澪。時在壬午秋月,元章米芾製。 | 鈐印:米氏(朱) | 米芾(1051-1107),北宋書畫家。初名黻(fú),字元章,時人號襄陽漫士、海嶽外史,自號鹿門居士。北宋著名書法家、鑒定家、畫家、收藏家。米芾原籍襄陽(今屬湖北),後定居潤州(今江蘇鎮江)。召為書畫學博士,擢禮部員外郎。米芾在官場上並不得意,其“不能與世俯仰,故從仕數困”。因其衣著行為以及迷戀書畫珍石的態度皆被當世視為癲狂,故又有“米顛”之稱。 |