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大清乾隆年製款 纏枝花卉紋碗 The bowl stands on short foot ring, the body deeply potted with evert rim, depicts flower and vine blossom within four equally spaced roundels, interspersed with additional flower and vines, bottom bears six character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 3 1/8 in (7.9 cm) Diameter: 7 1/8 in (18.1 cm) 此碗唇口,深弧腹漸收,圈足,內書“大清乾隆年製”六字三行青花篆書款。內壁光素無紋,外壁通體以鬥彩裝飾,口沿下一周邊飾為連環開光,外以青花為地,內分繪各式花卉。腹部以一周主題紋飾為四組團花,一朵醒目的紅彩西番蓮居於中心,其四周又有以紅、黃等色繪就的各色四季花卉,枝纏葉繞,五彩繽紛。團花外有一空白帶將其與周圍紋飾相隔,周邊的纏枝花卉花妍葉綠,枝蔓繞團花紋而飾,連綿不絕。整器紋樣線條流暢,描繪細膩,填色準確,層次分明,用色極為豐富,將此一大缸裝點得五彩斑斕,令人過目難忘。從裝飾風格看,所繪開光及枝葉纏枝方式還略帶西洋風格,使其華麗的外表更添一份異國風情。團花為乾隆瓷器流行裝飾紋樣之一。