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廣彩雞圖碟一對 The lot includes two export porcelain dishes, each depicts chickens in garden setting, surrounded by plants, flowers, sones, and birds, one dish with tin exterior, both bears Enlgish marks on the bottom. Small Dish: Length: 1 in (2.5 cm) Diameter: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) Large Dish: Length: 1 4/5 in (4.6 cm) Diameter: 7 4/5 in (19.8 cm) 廣州彩瓷初期產品的琺瑯彩,以其高貴豔麗的特色,備受中外富豪貴族的喜愛,清廷列為貢品,外國一些王室貴族派官員專程來廣州求購,專供外銷。盤敝口,弧腹,圈足,胎體較薄,繪雞紋二組,以奇石花卉間隔,二組雞則嬉戲於花叢下,怡然自得,構圖搭配巧妙,描繪了一幅活潑生動,祥和樂利的天倫圖。由於“雞”與“吉”諧音,為典型的廣彩風格大作。