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大清乾隆年製款 粉彩花果蝴蝶碗 The famille rose bowl painted with flowers, guava, plants, and butterflies, the bottom bears six character QIANLONG mark. Height: 2 1/4 in (5.7 cm) Diameter: 4 7/8 in (12.4 cm) 此碗呈墩式,又稱“墩式碗”,是明清時期官民窯瓷器中常見的樣式,深弧腹,淺圈足。通體施白釉,白釉勻瑩潤澤,釉面肥厚滋潤。內外壁以粉彩裝飾,繪折枝石榴蝴蝶圖案,色彩柔美恬淡,極富雍瓷風格,濃淡相宜,筆力纖秀入微,圖案取意祥瑞喜慶,十分寶貴。碗底心以青花書“大清乾隆年製”六字三行篆書款。石榴寓有子孫科場得意、諸事順遂,大吉大利之含義,為傳統吉祥紋飾,寓意美好。