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清 豇豆紅釉小花瓶 The vase is of baluster form, the globular body supported by splayed ring foot, glazed overall in flambe pink and infused green, covered in crackle pattern, below long neck and evert rim, bottom bears double blue ring mark. Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Diameter: 4 in (10.2 cm) 瓶撇口,長頸,豐肩,肩下斂收,圈足。通體施豇豆紅釉,口沿白釉,下腹至足圈上凸雕菊瓣紋一周,一面菊瓣紋上有綠色苔點。底施白釉,中青花雙圈款。清康熙朝瓷器燒製技術承前啟後,不斷創新,純熟掌握了豇豆紅釉的燒製技術。豇豆紅釉是以氧化銅為著色劑,在高溫還原氣氛中燒成,燒成氣氛的變化很容易使紅釉產生窯變,燒製難度極大。因此,豇豆紅釉並無大器,主要有瓶、太白尊、洗等文房用具。