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清 白玉浮雕高士圖插屏 The rectangular wood table screen is inlaid with lobed-shape jade plaque of white tone. The plaque is carved in high relief with a scholar seated on a cliff under pines, playing instrument with an attendant holding a staff by the side, and two figures walking up a path below the cliff, all set within a deep mountain landscape. The wood stand frame is pierced with openwork. Height: 14 1/4 in (36.2 cm) Width: 9 1/8 in (23.2 cm) 插屏用料選的是優質白玉,加工精細,雕刻雋永。首先將石料開片,然後磨製成各種造型的玉片,接著繪上各種圖案,然後鑲配上精製木座架。此插屏以人物為題材,畫面清秀古雅,樸素自然,用以佈置廳堂,顯得高雅闊綽,為其它室內裝飾品所不及。