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翡翠鯉魚吐幣擺件 The jade carving depicts a carp fish jumping from the river stream, with lotus flowers and golden coins nearby, the jade is of mixed green, purple, and white color tone with translucency, set with wooden stand. Length: 7 in (17.8 cm) Width: 5 1/4 in (13.3 cm) 此件玉雕,是以整塊翡翠為原料,雕刻一條栩栩如生的鯉魚躍於水面上,並口銜錢幣,,錢幣底部落於荷葉上。此件翡翠綠色隨機點綴在玉雕上,玉雕又有紫色若隱若現於魚身上,整體雕刻細緻,刀工熟練,是為一件精品玉雕作品。