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白玉雕龍文房擺件 The boulder is carved with the dragon's head issuing from the base, with ferocious expression, its mouth wide open revealing sharp teeth and tongue, the eyes bulging. The body is detailed with incised scales, all surrounded by an openwork of leafy lotus and ocean wave. The stone is of white tone. Height: 2 7/8 in (7.3 cm) Length: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) 龍眼炯炯有神,龍嘴張開,牙齒外露,雕工細緻光潤,凸顯整個面部栩栩如生。龍身荷葉纏連,龍鱗醒目。一條伺機而動的白玉龍,擺放在書房有種運籌帷幄的感覺。讓書房多了一份靈性,又彰顯了主人的品性和貴氣。