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獨角獸古玉雕 The jade carving depicts a prowling mythical beast with head raised, a single horn on the back of its head, mouth and eyes wide open, the jade is of celadon-yellow color tone with russet, set on wooden stand. Height: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) Length: 8 in (20.3 cm) Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) 玉獸作叫囂狀態,體肥碩,頭部似獅子,向上抬起狀,頭頂正中長一粗壯長尖角,向左成彎鉤狀。眉骨高隆,雙目圓睜,眼球較為凸顯,嘴部張開,路出鋒利的牙齒,尾巴向右彎曲。