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琥珀龍紋雕件 The amber carving depicts a dragon curled around the clouds, relief carved in detail to depict the ferocious features, the amber is of dark red color tone with translucency, includes GIA Report #2185233666 indicating natural amber. Height: 6 in (15.2 cm) Diameter: 3 1/4 in (8.3 cm) 龍的傳說和龍文化是中國等一些東亞國家的歷史傳承,是中華民族最具代表性的文化象徵之一。此件琥珀龍雕件,顏色以黑色為主,雕刻一條完整的龍纏繞於柱子上,將龍的鱗,角,腳雕刻非常細緻,龍張口咆哮,炯炯有神。