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靈璧石料山子 Standing in fitted and carved wooden stand, the irregular shaped Lingbi scholar stone exhibits dark black and brown color tone in naturalistic shape. Height: 20 1/2 in (52.1 cm) Width: 13 in (33.0 cm) 此件山子造型奇特,蒼岩嶙峋,石壁巍峨,紋理優美,溝壑交錯,氣韻蒼古。石體於數寸之間涵非凡氣韻,色澤古雅靜穆,厚潤自然,潤澤沉著。靈璧觀賞石分黑、白、紅、灰四大類,其中以黑色最具特色。觀之,其色如墨;擊之,其聲如磬,其形似仙山名嶽,被國內外石藝界譽為“天下第一石”