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壽山石詩文印章 The compressed square stamp seal carved from Shoushan soapstone, the top incised with poetry calligraphy, the stone is of brown and infused black color tone with natural stone veins and translucency, bottom carved with mark. Height: 1 3/16 in (3.0 cm) Length: 1 3/8 in (3.5 cm) Width: 1 3/8 in (3.5 cm) Weight: 284.0g 印文:虛心。邊款:丙辰年春月叔孺製印。作者簡介:趙叔孺(1874-1945),浙江鄞縣(今浙江寧波)人。原名潤祥,字獻忱、叔孺,後易名時棢,號紉萇,晚年自號二弩老人,以叔孺行世。清末諸生,曾任福建同知。民國後,隱居上海。金石書畫、花卉蟲草、鞍馬翎毛,無不精擅,尤擅畫馬,可稱“近世之趙孟頫”。