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瑪瑙印五件 This set consists of five agate seals, including two seals surmounted with model of Bixie standing foursquare, two seals surmounted with model of phoenix, and one seal surmounted with a recumbent Bixie figure, all in the form of short cylindrical shape. Smallest Height: 2 1/4 in (5.8 cm) Diameter: 1 1/4 in (3.2 cm) Largest Diameter: 2 in (5.1 cm) Height: 2 in (5.1 cm) 瑪瑙印瑞獸一組,印形多以橢圓和圓為主,印紐為獅、虎、玄鳥等古獸,造型各異,或坐或臥,獸首朝天,伸頸向空,皆雙目圓睜,精神飽滿,或豎耳,或蜷身,靜動相宜,鮮活如生,靈動自若。印身略略增加回文,又使得印面古樸莊嚴。瑪瑙結晶度高,晶瑩剔透,溫婉愛人。