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芙蓉石雕觀音如意像 The Furong soapstone carved figure depicts Guanyin seated on petasdal, one hand resting on the knee, the other holding a ruyi scepter, eyes closed in serene expression, wearing robe with incised patterns, the stone is of cream color tone with a hint of red and slight translucency, Height: 10 in (25.4 cm) Length: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm) 芙蓉晶是稍具透明度,以晶體質感圓潤、色澤嬌嫩為判斷價值標準的粉晶。好的芙蓉晶不帶任何的白色石紋,其顏色嬌嫩明亮而靈活,晶體表面光則會有呈現如水分飽滿甚至油脂般光華溫潤的質地。此件觀音以芙蓉石為原料,刻畫細膩,將觀音的慈祥的形象表現的極為到位,是為收藏佳品。