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掐絲琺瑯銅胎吊雙獸耳瓶 The cloisonne enameled vase has two medallions on the surface, one depicts a lady walking on bridge looking towards moon, the other depicts lady walking on bridge towards bamboo tree, set against yellow ground with flowers and vines, two gilt dragon handles mounted on the neck, linked to the hanging stand, two character mark beneath the vase. Height: 21 1/4 in (54.0 cm) Width: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) 此器分為兩個部分,吊瓶和底托。瓶帶蓋,子母口,唇口,朔腹,撇足。瓶蓋呈半圓形,蓋有四處橢圓形鏤空內嵌金片,蓋面置雕花鑲金寶珠鈕,腹上部兩側置銅雙耳,上連如意形掛鉤。瓶通體施黃色琺瑯彩,掐絲彩繪纏枝花卉紋,腹部中間內嵌金屬如意形開光,一面內鑄賞月侍女圖;一面內鑄遊園仕女圖。底托呈四方形,二層台,上置銅架。底托以藍色琺瑯釉為地,飾掐絲彩釉纏枝花卉紋;銅架上下連銅胎吊瓶。瓶蓋、口、足,底座一層台邊緣、底足皆鎏金,瓶底刻款。