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乾隆年製款 掐絲琺瑯香爐 The unique cloisonne enameled censer is of bulbous form, depicts four cranes carrying the censer and stands on mythical turtle dragon with two heads, body depicts flowers and vines against turquoise ground, the lid openwork carved and has bead finial, bottom bears four character QIANLONG reign mark. Height: 18 1/2 in (47.0 cm) Diameter: 10 1/2 in (26.7 cm) 器分上下兩部分,上身是四首丹頂鶴香爐,下部分是雙頭贔屭。通體以紅、黃、金等彩作色,繪纏枝西番蓮紋飾。雙頭贔屭,身上以籃彩作地,繪製纏枝花卉紋;殼上施灰彩,畫龜背錦紋,紋內繪花朵紋。立著一個連身四首的丹頂鶴,鶴身中間置香爐。爐嘴和蓋鑲金,下身嵌卷草紋金飾帶。底內嵌方框“乾隆年製”四字二行印章銅款。