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大清宣統年製款 青花釉裡紅蝙蝠如意紋葫蘆瓶 The blue and white underglazed red vase is of double gourd form, body depicts clouds in blue and bats in red, bottom bears six character XUANTONG reign mark. Height: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) Diameter: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) 此件青花釉裡紅葫蘆瓶,小唇口,造型成葫蘆型,圈足,足邊露胎,胎質細膩,胎體厚重。底部落款“大清宣統年製”,通體施白釉,釉色瑩潤,青花如意紋配以釉裡紅蝙蝠紋,寓意吉祥,是典型的清代末期的陶瓷紋飾。